Friday, May 11, 2012

Smiles, Sun Hats & More Smiles

Collin has been all smiles and giggles lately. There is nothing sweeter than a happy baby. Here are some video smiles for you, too.

In our last post, the stroller picture was a clear illustration that our kids needed new sun hats. My mom saw that, and immediately came to the rescue. Their new hats arrived in the mail just yesterday, and they are CUTE! I could have just run to a store here, but grandparents love opportunities to help from afar, so we let them ;-)
And for the "more smiles" part of this post, Sydney and Collin each brought home Mother's Day gifts for me from school today. What a sweet start to the weekend. Here's Collin's gift --- a precious photo with a "frame" made out of little hand cut-outs.On the back is a poem about the bond between mommies and their babies.

Sydney's gift is a little flower pot she decorated. My instructions are to water it, and something will grow. Attached to it is a photo of our two kids. Sydney's teacher walked her over to Collin's building and got their photo together. So thoughtful and precious!!!

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