Tuesday, November 20, 2012

10 Months

Collin turned 10 months old on the 18th! I'm two days behind, but we've just been so busy, now that BOTH of our kids are on the go at such a crazy pace. It's hard to believe we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday in less than two months. Where has this year gone??!

At 10 months old, our sweetie, cutie-pie son:
  • is a crawling maniac
  • pulls up and stands on his own for up to 10 seconds - and is SO PROUD of this!
  • adores his sister and laughs like crazy at her whenever she's being silly
  • still just babbles, mostly saying things that sound like "dada" but he has all sorts of other words we can't understand yet :)
  • takes two good naps a day when we're at home; two very short naps at school
  • is eating every kind of pureed baby food and has moved into several finger foods
  • wears 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers
  • loves to bang on things, including the remote controls
  • can get up our stairs in no time; baby gates are my new best friend
  • shows a lot of interest in real toys; favorites are the play kitchen and anything that lights up and plays music - he dances!
Collin rarely cries. I heard a kid crying outside his classroom yesterday, and when Sydney and I walked in, I said "Oh good, that's not mine."  His teacher said, "Right, because Collin cries like ZERO times a day!"  That makes a mommy feel oh-so-good!

And here's his favorite person in the whole world, big sister! She loves "my baby Collin." I always say he doesn't have a chance because she is going to be all up in his business for the rest of his life. Ha! She's taking his picture in this photo --- her new favorite thing in the world. I spend a lot of time deleting!

 And of course she needed one by herself for good measure!
Now that our lives have settled down a bit, we're really enjoying being in our new home and starting to get acquainted with our new life. It has taken awhile, but each day is a little more familiar. We feel so lucky to have two healthy and happy kids. There are certainly challenges (hello, she IS a strong-willed toddler!), but this week is a great reminder to be thankful for everything we have.

Happy 10-month-iversary, Collin!!

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