Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yellow jumping bean

When we pick out Sydney's clothes and get her dressed each day (a process I love), I try to figure out what her best colors are --- we all have them! My mom has said she likes yellow on her, which is funny considering I don't care for yellow on myself. This past Friday, Sydney wore an outfit sent to her by her great-grandma Gorman. And I must say the yellow looked adorable!
Later that night, after she was in comfier clothes that didn't match quite so well, we let her play in her new favorite thing: the doorway jumping contraption (not the official name, I'm sure - ha!). She didn't like this thing until a couple of weeks ago, and her teacher mentioned that she loves it now. The only problem is that it doesn't fit on the larger moldings, so we can only hang it near bedrooms and bathrooms. It's a great place to put her if only one of us is home and needs to take a shower. Here's a look at our jumping bean.


  1. Nice daddy hand in the back on the top picture so cute. I love watching her jump. She is a maniac jumper!

  2. Oh my goodness, love the jumping!!!! And her outfit is just precious!
